If an alleged indictment has never been signed by the grand jury ...
10/04/11, 4:51 pm
United States
Criminal Law
I am a 23yr old college grad. who has never been in trouble and w...
9/28/11, 11:55 pm
United States
Criminal Law
If I retract a statement to police regarding a charge that's alre...
9/22/11, 8:45 am
United States
Criminal Law
Can a.17 year old get im trouble for moving out without her paren...
9/20/11, 6:41 pm
United States
Criminal Law
I'm being review for processing drugs but they no evidence just r...
9/18/11, 5:47 pm
United States
Criminal Law
I worked at a store and my roomate came in with her boyfriend ste...
5/19/11, 8:08 am
United States
Criminal Law
A citation with the wrong date..... can it be dismissed.........
5/17/11, 7:21 am
United States
Criminal Law
I have court tomorrow, and I don't know what to do. I basically ...
5/16/11, 6:00 pm
United States
Criminal Law
i was charged with child abandonment with intent to return and i ...
5/05/11, 12:49 pm
United States
Criminal Law
what is the time frame that the prosecuters have to produce evide...
3/04/11, 7:08 am
United States
Criminal Law
I am on 5 years felony probation for engaging in criminal activit...
9/30/10, 12:36 pm
United States
Criminal Law
I had a theft charge show up on my background check and it says L...
8/11/10, 12:21 pm
United States
Criminal Law
When in the Criminal Law field, is there a place to take morals i...
7/22/10, 11:27 am
United States
Criminal Law
My daughter was indicted for child abuse about two years ago. Th...
7/15/10, 4:21 pm
United States
Criminal Law
I have a hearing in Denton Tx regarding a protection order from m...
7/14/10, 12:03 pm
United States
Criminal Law