Im seeking to find legality of this situation in NY, nassau count...
5/10/13, 10:55 am
United States
New York
Criminal Law
I found out my crim defense attorney never put in any motions on ...
5/07/13, 8:35 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
I was issued an appearance ticket for a noise ordinance violation...
5/07/13, 12:18 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
I found out my crim defense attorney never put in any motions on ...
5/06/13, 11:01 am
United States
New York
Criminal Law
My former lawyer is threatening to file harassment charges agains...
5/06/13, 10:00 am
United States
New York
Criminal Law
i was aressted for menicing in the thrid degree i went to cout an...
5/07/13, 9:58 am
United States
New York
Criminal Law
My former lawyer, (who represented ...
5/06/13, 2:55 am
United States
New York
Criminal Law
My friend a 23 year old male was charged with grand larceny for t...
5/07/13, 12:46 am
United States
New York
Criminal Law
Is a forged signature with verbal permission still forgery?...
5/05/13, 6:20 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
Hi, I was wondering if it was legal for people to sell restaurant...
5/04/13, 8:50 am
United States
New York
Criminal Law
If I'm 18 and my gf is 16 and I was with her when I was 17! Can I...
4/30/13, 3:53 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
Can a 18 year old be with a 16 year old? I was with her when I wa...
4/27/13, 1:33 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
i received a disorderly conduct 240.20 sub-division 2. I was in m...
4/29/13, 9:03 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
If i got arrested first time , because they found a brass knuckle...
4/22/13, 6:50 am
United States
New York
Criminal Law
my son in jail now,he has ticket for bicycle on the walkside.the...
4/22/13, 7:59 am
United States
New York
Criminal Law