Hi I work for a messenger company I made a delivery to a residenc...
3/15/13, 11:12 am
United States
New York
Criminal Law
Okay I live in new York. Clean criminal record and I'm a 20 year ...
3/16/13, 5:30 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
on feb 21 i was charged with unlawfully dealing with a minor in t...
3/07/13, 12:15 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
If I'm charged with a crime i can get a free lawyer. What about t...
3/07/13, 3:06 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
A woman I know had an attempted suicide 6 months ago and has to g...
3/07/13, 2:53 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
What are my rights in ny against indirect harassment? my boyfrien...
3/07/13, 7:54 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
Over two years I was charged with a misdemeanor. Retained a lawye...
2/12/13, 1:36 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
I was sentenced to probation in County "A" at the municipal court...
2/27/13, 8:00 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
If I have a order of protection against someone and they recently...
2/18/13, 4:10 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
If a indictment has the wrong address of the crime can it be void...
2/22/13, 4:01 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
I got a recipe from a friend to make home made feritlizer for gar...
2/19/13, 11:37 am
United States
New York
Criminal Law
if a motion to suppress and dismiss in a criminal case is given a...
2/27/13, 5:22 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
how can I be sure if a charge was enpunged and wont show on a fed...
2/28/13, 4:38 am
United States
New York
Criminal Law
What do judges call court officers? Bailiff? Or something else?...
2/28/13, 6:46 am
United States
New York
Criminal Law
My ex girlfriend has been cheating the system for years by workin...
2/28/13, 7:59 am
United States
New York
Criminal Law