I was falsely accused of damage to property and domestic violence...
1/18/13, 3:39 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
can you become a home health aide with felony convictions?...
1/16/13, 8:11 am
United States
New York
Criminal Law
i actually have 2 questions, my brother is on parole and he was l...
1/11/13, 1:37 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
What are some good defence direct examination questions?...
1/14/13, 2:22 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
if you get a suspended drivers license for Reckless Driving ( smo...
1/11/13, 8:07 am
United States
New York
Criminal Law
If a person has a Order of Protection and the defendant is avoidi...
1/09/13, 11:30 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
how vast of a time period dose ``on or about `` cover ie: days we...
1/07/13, 2:13 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
What are the district attorneys office's obligations under cpl 30...
1/02/13, 11:07 am
United States
New York
Criminal Law
In regards to Burglary in the 3rd degree in NY, would it constitu...
1/03/13, 2:00 am
United States
New York
Criminal Law
i have an apperance ticket cpl 150.10 for criminal tresspass. i l...
12/13/12, 9:44 am
United States
New York
Criminal Law
if u argue lawful entrance and get it dismissed can any evidence ...
12/18/12, 8:43 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
i have a class E non violent convicted 2002/2003 in nassau county...
12/18/12, 9:03 am
United States
New York
Criminal Law
a little boy set fire to my back porch intentionally and burned d...
12/20/12, 8:38 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
I currently have a roommate who is being extremely verbally abusi...
12/12/12, 8:33 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law
i have a 14 yr old daughter who has a lot of mental illness issue...
12/07/12, 7:42 pm
United States
New York
Criminal Law