can a attorney withdraw from a case, if already been paid for rep...
5/21/11, 2:25 pm
United States
New Mexico
Criminal Law
i have 2 felonies i was never arressted on was charged 6 months l...
5/06/11, 3:31 pm
United States
New Mexico
Criminal Law
will a pending felony charge show up on a fingerprint check for e...
4/23/11, 10:59 am
United States
New Mexico
Criminal Law
If a person is under 21 but older than 18 and possesses a flare g...
4/21/11, 2:44 am
United States
New Mexico
Criminal Law
I am currently on felony probation for a conviction of Aggravated...
4/19/11, 12:35 pm
United States
New Mexico
Criminal Law
Can you get bail on a failure to register as a sex offender arres...
4/14/11, 12:09 pm
United States
New Mexico
Criminal Law
what is the basic procedural outline for a criminal case????...
4/06/11, 11:25 pm
United States
New Mexico
Criminal Law
My son was in a vehicle with two other people when the police pul...
3/28/11, 8:52 pm
United States
New Mexico
Criminal Law
What does it mean when a writ of certiorari type 12-501 is grante...
3/15/11, 5:37 pm
United States
New Mexico
Criminal Law
When my husband calls me from jail where he is currently incarcer...
2/24/11, 11:37 am
United States
New Mexico
Criminal Law
Could testimony from a Preliminary Hearing as in New Mexico be us...
2/21/11, 3:50 pm
United States
New Mexico
Criminal Law
If someone said something to another person regarding someones gi...
2/01/11, 11:22 am
United States
New Mexico
Criminal Law
I got a citation for serving alcohol to a minor, where can I find...
2/04/11, 11:13 pm
United States
New Mexico
Criminal Law
Would it be a conflict of interest for a District Attorney to pro...
2/07/11, 11:11 am
United States
New Mexico
Criminal Law
I was arrested and charged with evading and eluding an officer, w...
1/31/11, 12:45 am
United States
New Mexico
Criminal Law