I am a part-time employee and I was told that if I did not have d...
6/06/10, 8:16 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
I am applying for teacher certification in Florida. I recently go...
6/05/10, 6:20 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
I live in Virginia and I have a contract to provide full-time con...
5/06/10, 9:41 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
My boss is harboring a resentment towards me because i had to lea...
4/08/10, 1:21 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
When she first hired me I was not in school but I informed her th...
4/04/10, 7:49 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
My wife earns commision and base salary. Over the last two years...
4/02/10, 9:06 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
My company terminated my employment without grounds. The company...
4/01/10, 9:38 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
For a summer job, I will be working as a camp counselor at a loca...
3/30/10, 8:31 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
My work is upset with me because i didn't bring a situation to th...
3/29/10, 2:47 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Hello, I am a training manager at a call center and ha...
3/29/10, 6:17 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law