how long after you file, can you file again.my wife & her ex a li...
8/23/10, 8:02 am
United States
Bankruptcy Law
Will a Bankruptcy Trustee force my childs college accounting offi...
8/11/10, 7:18 am
United States
Bankruptcy Law
We filed chapter 7 bankruptcy 1 year ago and it was discharged. ...
8/11/10, 10:47 am
United States
Bankruptcy Law
is there a legal way to get rid off timeshare? I own a timeshare ...
8/06/10, 11:42 am
United States
Bankruptcy Law
will i lose my car if i still owe mony when i declare bankrupcy...
8/09/10, 7:04 am
United States
Bankruptcy Law
I have a lien on a motorcycle title and the person just filed Cha...
8/02/10, 11:01 am
United States
Bankruptcy Law
Can you include your second mortgage in bankruptcy chapter 7?...
7/26/10, 12:20 pm
United States
Bankruptcy Law
If you have been forclosed on your home, and judgment rendered, c...
7/17/10, 1:55 pm
United States
Bankruptcy Law
bk discharged 5 years ago--obtaining a purchase mtg loan--found o...
7/13/10, 11:48 am
United States
Bankruptcy Law
Is a Case docket and a case file the same thing....was told to ge...
7/11/10, 6:48 am
United States
Bankruptcy Law
I filed Banckruptcy in 2005. I had a mortgage that was included ...
7/10/10, 7:05 am
United States
Bankruptcy Law
If I filed for bankruptcy 20 years ago, do I have to disclose tha...
7/02/10, 5:27 am
United States
Bankruptcy Law
Can repayment for a default on a federal education scholarship be...
6/20/10, 2:30 pm
United States
Bankruptcy Law
I divorced in 2005 and My ex wife filed bankruptcy and i think sh...
6/16/10, 9:50 am
United States
Bankruptcy Law
I divorced my husband 12 yrs ago. he filed bankruptcy 7 yrs ago....
6/17/10, 10:48 am
United States
Bankruptcy Law