Is there any case law supporting the idea that a Congressional Re...
12/04/17, 8:28 am
United States
Constitutional Law
I am trying to get an answer to a question I have. I have a tax d...
5/13/17, 1:18 am
United States
Constitutional Law
If I am pulled over for a traffic stop in Texas and ask for my li...
5/10/17, 8:29 am
United States
Constitutional Law
If we get pulled over for probibal cause an its my car but I'm no...
4/03/17, 12:10 am
United States
Constitutional Law
I can sue trump if my baby mama lose her Obamacare?...
3/27/17, 6:37 pm
United States
Constitutional Law
I applied for and received general funds in sandiego county CA my...
10/22/16, 1:47 pm
United States
Constitutional Law
I am a former Filipino citizen who married a United States Citize...
8/23/16, 7:15 pm
United States
Constitutional Law
what is the really meaning of all persons shall have right to fre...
8/06/16, 5:16 am
United States
Constitutional Law
Can President Obama legally take a month off by "clearing his cal...
7/29/16, 10:04 am
United States
Constitutional Law
My company wants to reprimand me for writing a letter (NOT contai...
7/23/16, 1:54 am
United States
Constitutional Law
The 2nd amendment does not grant anyone the right to own guns. Th...
7/13/16, 3:25 pm
United States
Constitutional Law
I'm wondering for a school report what a US sentence in 1937 woul...
7/11/16, 5:32 pm
United States
Constitutional Law
In Illinois in a deposition all parties have the right to ask que...
7/08/16, 10:45 pm
United States
Constitutional Law
I want to seperate myself, the flesh an blood man from the corpar...
6/15/16, 4:58 am
United States
North Carolina
Constitutional Law
I am a direct descendant of Pocahontas'. Can I sue for Trump's co...
6/10/16, 8:30 pm
United States
North Carolina
Constitutional Law