Firing vs. offer to stay on the job
Two and a half weeks ago, wit...
10/15/03, 7:11 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Employer/right of association
May a private Florida employer comp...
10/13/03, 9:25 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Overtime Compensation
I am a salary employee and I am told that I...
10/09/03, 9:53 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Wrongful terminiation filed in federal court
I have filed pro se ...
10/08/03, 4:42 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Discrimination for paid religious holidays
I am employed by a law...
10/08/03, 8:54 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
fired or demotion
I've worked for a fast food giant for years.
10/04/03, 9:07 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Employer plannning on arresting me?
I work in a franchised restau...
9/28/03, 2:16 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Wrongful Termination
I was hired at$7/hr& after4 months,I was off...
9/24/03, 3:29 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Employer Problem
Are you able to sue an employer who is trying to...
9/25/03, 10:11 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Is this legal?
My Daughter worked for the county government. She...
9/24/03, 5:05 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
sundays off
i worked as a server.when i was hired i was to have s...
10/01/03, 3:55 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Wrongful Termination or Discrimination.
I began working as a tick...
10/02/03, 10:29 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Unpaid wages
I was employed in the state of Fl for about a month ...
10/02/03, 8:28 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
The person who hired me knew about a major merge in the industry
9/30/03, 5:02 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Employee Policy Changes
My husband works for a company where the ...
9/22/03, 8:28 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law