PubMed is a U.S. government search engine that allows the public ...
7/11/19, 3:42 pm
United States
Intellectual Property
If a company wants to produce original illustrations of historica...
6/28/19, 10:39 am
United States
Intellectual Property
A Florida corporation was founded in Florida in 1972 and dissolve...
5/24/19, 1:16 pm
United States
Intellectual Property
I would like to trade mark my last name as it would identify with...
5/22/19, 8:49 am
United States
Intellectual Property
We are partnering with a company in Australia to make a video pro...
5/06/19, 11:40 am
United States
Intellectual Property
I hired a trademark company to help me register 4 marks and the m...
5/02/19, 2:03 pm
United States
Intellectual Property
My question is about the naming of a business. A few m...
2/08/19, 7:48 am
United States
Intellectual Property
A company has branded one of their personal electronic devices a ...
1/31/19, 4:32 am
United States
Intellectual Property
There is a tax book that I want to update and use but the CPA id ...
11/09/18, 5:57 am
United States
Intellectual Property
I work for a small business which specializes in providing art su...
10/04/18, 1:31 pm
United States
Intellectual Property
I have a question regarding intellectual property law. I am writi...
9/25/18, 2:40 pm
United States
Intellectual Property
A theatre company and a world renowned artist has used a logo I m...
9/04/18, 9:59 am
United States
Intellectual Property
In November 2016, the toy company Hasbro held a "casting call" fo...
5/31/18, 11:13 am
United States
Intellectual Property
I have written material that I would like to put on the market. I...
5/31/18, 11:14 am
United States
North Carolina
Intellectual Property
I work in the Parts Department at an RV store. Recently, I create...
4/04/18, 12:38 pm
United States
Intellectual Property