Labor and Employment Law answers by Steven Miller
- I earned 87s hr of vacation at 11.75. Then a 5% pay cut was imple... 10/21/09, 9:09 pm United States California Labor and Employment Law
- fired but no check yet I was recently dismissed from my job on 11... 11/10/08, 10:59 pm United States California Labor and Employment Law
- Employment I recently entered a semi-lengthy hiring process. It i... 10/10/08, 4:25 am United States California Labor and Employment Law
- background check How do employers do a check and can I check my o... 10/13/08, 2:16 pm United States California Labor and Employment Law
- I am an at will employee who was terminated for looking for anoth... 8/29/08, 4:52 pm United States California Labor and Employment Law
- Getting Paid On Time Are there laws in CA regarding getting paid ... 8/12/08, 6:40 pm United States California Labor and Employment Law
- Getting the rest of my bonus after I have been laid off I was lai... 8/08/08, 8:19 pm United States California Labor and Employment Law
- Hourly employees volunteering time Are hourly employees allowed t... 8/10/08, 2:51 pm United States California Labor and Employment Law
- With regard to CA Labor Law & 72 hours to pay I must have asked t... 8/10/08, 2:54 pm United States California Labor and Employment Law
- Accepted Starting Pay - Employer now renigs I accepted a position... 8/06/08, 3:27 pm United States California Labor and Employment Law
- Contract to PermanepPosition afte 12 months Is it true that after... 8/06/08, 10:30 pm United States California Labor and Employment Law
- Former employer want to seek damages under CAL Labor code 2865 Wh... 8/07/08, 2:50 pm United States California Labor and Employment Law
- chargebacks are they legal and upon quiting is the employer requi... 7/31/08, 1:52 am United States California Labor and Employment Law
- recording a personnel private meeting Can you record a meeting be... 8/05/08, 8:12 pm United States California Labor and Employment Law
- Paycheck withholding Can I as an Employer hold back a paycheck fo... 8/05/08, 4:49 pm United States California Labor and Employment Law
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