I am on L1B visa which would expire by mid-august. I have less th...
3/10/11, 2:11 pm
United States
Immigration Law
Will it be any problem for a asylum green card holder to go visit...
3/09/11, 7:44 pm
United States
Immigration Law
HI, Im interested in opinion of someone who dealt with this ...
3/08/11, 6:47 pm
United States
Immigration Law
I need a Letter of Personal Introduction to Embassy....
3/07/11, 5:09 pm
United States
Immigration Law
I live in Iceland and I have a girlfriend with us citizenship, bu...
3/07/11, 1:58 pm
United States
Immigration Law
I appealed to BIA 1 year an 7 months ago, my case is asylum.. do ...
3/06/11, 5:10 pm
United States
Immigration Law
US female citizen marrying a male citizen of the US. Male citize...
3/06/11, 12:03 pm
United States
Immigration Law
I want to live and work in the U.S. with my family, I'm a 4th yea...
3/04/11, 5:09 pm
United States
Immigration Law
Hello, I really need advice on what to do next and if ...
3/03/11, 4:40 pm
United States
Immigration Law
I have a friend who is illegal and came to the US when she was 7....
3/01/11, 4:47 pm
United States
South Carolina
Immigration Law
I'm U.S. Citizen and me and my bf want to get married. However he...
3/01/11, 4:12 pm
United States
Immigration Law
hi i have a permanent green card by marridge and it expired ...
2/28/11, 5:42 pm
United States
Immigration Law
My husband has a deferred adjudification with probation for 2yrs ...
2/28/11, 7:24 am
United States
Immigration Law
i cam to the us when i was but did not recive any documention but...
2/27/11, 10:53 pm
United States
New York
Immigration Law