I work for a sheriff's dept. I have recently tore my acl, mcl, an...
1/01/11, 3:42 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
I work at a restaurant. The manager said my drawer was short $33....
11/14/10, 6:36 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
My boss took my time card and clock me out of work even though I ...
11/11/10, 4:05 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
If a person is hired to work 30 hours at an hourly wage and works...
11/11/10, 7:06 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Was a General Manager of a 100 room Full Service hotel responsibl...
9/02/10, 6:54 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
My employer quoted my job wage at $7.50 per hour. 3 months later...
8/14/10, 12:04 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
My spouse was terminated and we are filing a claim with the Labor...
8/11/10, 9:46 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
If I had to quit my job to take care of my grandson who was being...
8/13/10, 2:53 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
I work a 50 HR a week position. And frequently asked to work more...
8/08/10, 7:01 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Can a employer replace an employee with a new employee because th...
8/03/10, 11:41 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
I have diabetes can my supervisor dicuss my health and ask questi...
8/04/10, 6:21 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
I am a 52 year old female. I was laid off in January 2010 by my e...
8/02/10, 9:59 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Tennessee employer legal question: An employee working as a telle...
7/26/10, 5:33 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law