my mother passed away 01/20/10 how long can my brother hold our i...
9/06/10, 11:17 am
United States
New Jersey
Probate, Trusts, Wills & Estates
Does a will overide the benificiaries on life insurance polocies ...
8/25/10, 3:01 pm
United States
New Jersey
Probate, Trusts, Wills & Estates
Divorce question regarding trusts. If a couple divorces and one o...
8/25/10, 11:54 am
United States
New Jersey
Probate, Trusts, Wills & Estates
What action is taken when mostly all person signs, except for one...
8/25/10, 7:49 am
United States
New Jersey
Probate, Trusts, Wills & Estates
When are real estate commissions deductible for NJ Inheritance Ta...
8/21/10, 3:05 pm
United States
New Jersey
Probate, Trusts, Wills & Estates
my fiance's father passed away with a valid will entitling her to...
8/21/10, 12:51 pm
United States
New Jersey
Probate, Trusts, Wills & Estates
How does one force an executor to divulge information regarding t...
8/18/10, 10:07 pm
United States
New Jersey
Probate, Trusts, Wills & Estates
My Brother-in-Law is class A Heir and as such has been informed t...
8/16/10, 9:47 am
United States
New Jersey
Probate, Trusts, Wills & Estates
can a spouse change their will without the knowledge of the other...
8/15/10, 1:02 pm
United States
New Jersey
Probate, Trusts, Wills & Estates
Is it legal for an executor of a will to sign blank checks for di...
8/11/10, 9:53 pm
United States
New Jersey
Probate, Trusts, Wills & Estates
My father passed away last September. I am a child from a former...
8/11/10, 8:14 am
United States
New Jersey
Probate, Trusts, Wills & Estates
My girlfriend has been married to her husband for over 15 years. ...
8/10/10, 8:20 am
United States
New Jersey
Probate, Trusts, Wills & Estates
What percentage of a husband's estate does a surviving wife recei...
8/09/10, 1:43 pm
United States
New Jersey
Probate, Trusts, Wills & Estates
my husband and I are in our late 50's. We don't have any childre...
7/31/10, 7:12 pm
United States
New Jersey
Probate, Trusts, Wills & Estates
how do i obtain a copy of a will from someone who died in 1993...
8/01/10, 4:22 am
United States
New Jersey
Probate, Trusts, Wills & Estates