is rental room consider as a property ?...
7/19/16, 9:08 pm
Real Estate and Real Property
can a rent collector can collect rent after the death of owner of...
7/19/16, 7:56 pm
Real Estate and Real Property
Dear Sir/Mam, I(Ankush) have a query related to Land ...
7/19/16, 9:23 am
Real Estate and Real Property
my property is self earned. if i transfer it to my married sons n...
7/19/16, 5:56 am
Real Estate and Real Property
if I want to pay stampduty and registery a pagdi property is it p...
7/19/16, 2:50 am
Real Estate and Real Property
i want buy land of area 200 sq yards in visakhapatnam. some part ...
7/18/16, 6:43 am
Real Estate and Real Property
My husband died last year october, he bought two separate flats i...
7/18/16, 12:15 am
Real Estate and Real Property
we have reconstituted our partnership deed with two out going par...
7/16/16, 7:35 pm
Real Estate and Real Property
By mistake in dasatavej my age is not mentioned and age of second...
7/16/16, 9:13 am
Real Estate and Real Property
A plot of land is in the name of two friends in 7/12 extract . No...
7/16/16, 6:07 am
Real Estate and Real Property
I have booked a villa in 2013 in Hyderab...
7/16/16, 4:47 am
Real Estate and Real Property
Type Your Question Here......
7/16/16, 4:44 am
Real Estate and Real Property
ear Experts, I have bought a rediential flat in co-op hsg so...
7/16/16, 2:31 am
Real Estate and Real Property
i have purchased a plot in visakhapatnam andhrapradesh of area 21...
7/16/16, 12:33 am
Real Estate and Real Property
Can a sole owner of an immovable property create a trustee compri...
7/16/16, 12:23 am
Real Estate and Real Property