- New-York: Need help for low-income family I need an attorney to r... 5/06/09, 8:01 pm United States New York Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
- Divorce - Filed in New York Can my spouse claim abandonment as a ... 12/17/08, 10:27 am United States New York Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
- Step-father Adoption/ Termination of Parental Rights/ Special nee... 12/10/08, 11:00 am United States New York Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
- Infidelity Can I sue the woman my husband had an affair with... 11/03/08, 10:49 am United States New York Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
- spousal maintenance and duration Im going through a divorce. We'... 12/05/07, 10:02 pm United States New York Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
- getting a divorce We were married in the US in a traditional isla... 11/02/07, 9:49 am United States New York Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
- cybersex is it legal for a married woman to have cybersex to anot... 7/26/07, 12:51 am United States New York Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
- Changing Hyphenated Last Name I want to drop my maiden name on my... 7/14/07, 9:12 pm United States New York Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
- domestic partners My partner and have been together 14 years --... 7/03/07, 10:49 am United States New York Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
- Child Medicaid? I am the father of a 3 y/o. I am not married to h... 7/03/07, 2:14 am United States New York Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
- family court If a person who is a petioner in a case decides h... 7/02/07, 9:46 pm United States New York Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
- domestic abues i had my boyfriend arrested last friday for grabin... 6/21/07, 11:08 am United States New York Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
- Legally switching your name I would like to legally switch my nam... 6/19/07, 10:51 am United States New York Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
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