What recourse do I have after having been fired and the owner/emp...
10/06/11, 8:24 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
they just let me go from my job on monday without any warnings. I...
9/28/11, 11:52 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
I am a manager at a facility where we have customers on location....
9/17/11, 10:49 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
if a judge denies an annulment in texas and suggests a divorce do...
9/16/11, 11:21 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Can an employer get away with promising a certain salary increase...
8/31/11, 9:49 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Is it legal for my former employer to withhold my check until I c...
8/13/11, 4:43 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
I worked for a school district we were experiencing cuts. One lad...
8/09/11, 9:32 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Can my former employer record a conversation without my knowledge...
8/09/11, 12:21 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
I was terminated for something I did not do, my employer claims t...
8/02/11, 8:25 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
My wife's immediate Supervisor is verbally abusive routinely. Th...
8/03/11, 6:55 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
In Texas can u be fired if your employer finds out about your cri...
8/01/11, 9:10 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
I was on my way to work one morning when I wrecked my car. I was ...
7/30/11, 10:39 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
If a restaurant opens a new location, can it force me to work at ...
7/29/11, 6:41 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
I recently received a written job offer from a prospective employ...
7/27/11, 9:54 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Is it legal for a company to keep your information after you leav...
7/21/11, 2:21 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law