Juvenile Dependency answers by Michael Stone
- can dcfs put a warrant out for my arrest for refusing to speak to... 3/20/12, 12:53 pm United States California Juvenile Dependency
- I appreciate the first answer from Mike. the letter from the DA o... 3/07/12, 5:43 pm United States California Juvenile Dependency
- my son was cited and given a ticket to report to court on or beof... 3/07/12, 4:32 pm United States California Juvenile Dependency
- My child has been wrongfully and unlawfully removed from my physi... 2/21/12, 3:41 pm United States California Juvenile Dependency
- How do I change my four year old daughters first name and middle ... 1/17/12, 8:01 pm United States California Juvenile Dependency
- FForms needed sue cos federal lawsuit. how do i know if i have a... 1/12/12, 1:32 am United States California Juvenile Dependency
- How would my 17 year old daughter go about getting married?... 10/25/11, 3:14 pm United States California Juvenile Dependency
- One of our students (15 yr-old) who was at a food market late one... 8/18/11, 4:30 pm United States California Juvenile Dependency
- My son was cited for violating ca code 56.61b. His breathalyzer t... 3/13/11, 10:43 pm United States California Juvenile Dependency
- Can cps ask to drug test step parent if the parent has had his ch... 2/24/11, 8:36 pm United States California Juvenile Dependency
- Hi. I purchased stock in a bank as a custodian for my minor child... 1/24/11, 9:24 am United States California Juvenile Dependency
- Is is possible to regain custody of my children after adoption pr... 12/25/10, 11:32 pm United States California Juvenile Dependency
- i had found a wallet at my high school that looked like it been g... 12/01/10, 2:16 pm United States California Juvenile Dependency
- I caught my 13 yr old son fondling his 8 yr old sister i called t... 11/03/10, 11:59 am United States California Juvenile Dependency
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