Husbsnd's debt with IRS
My husband and I have been married for 3 ...
11/14/06, 2:42 pm
United States
New York
Tax and Taxation Law
Falsely declared by step-parent as employee on their tax forms
10/13/06, 1:11 am
United States
New York
Tax and Taxation Law
Joint accounts
my sister and I had a joint bank account I did not...
10/07/06, 3:55 pm
United States
New York
Tax and Taxation Law
Selling house....pay taxes?
I have a condo I just sold in NY. I ...
8/27/06, 8:36 pm
United States
New York
Tax and Taxation Law
New York City taxes on income of resident of Suffolk County
7/15/06, 6:25 pm
United States
New York
Tax and Taxation Law
My Income Tax Refund Check Bounced
My NYS income tax refund check...
5/24/06, 8:45 am
United States
New York
Tax and Taxation Law
Wills and Estates
My father has been residing in the state of New...
4/26/06, 8:59 am
United States
New York
Tax and Taxation Law
Responsible to pay for spouse's debt
A couple years after marriag...
3/28/06, 12:29 pm
United States
New York
Tax and Taxation Law
undocumented legal wife
My wife is currently out of status, can i...
3/21/06, 12:10 pm
United States
New York
Tax and Taxation Law
Moving out of school district & want to keep child in same school...
2/23/06, 11:15 am
United States
New York
Tax and Taxation Law
If I live in NY and work in NJ how should my income be divided
I ...
2/10/06, 2:53 pm
United States
New York
Tax and Taxation Law
401K State tax
I had to withdraw my 401K savings due to a job los...
2/06/06, 7:33 am
United States
New York
Tax and Taxation Law
Security Deposit
What are the responsibilities of the landlord's ...
1/28/06, 9:39 am
United States
New York
Tax and Taxation Law
Adding child to deed / bank account
Could someone tell me the tax...
12/25/05, 11:45 am
United States
New York
Tax and Taxation Law
got letter for tax audit
Own a deli and been a corporation for 6...
9/29/05, 2:04 pm
United States
New York
Tax and Taxation Law