divorce papers state father gets daughter for 7 days/mthly...moth...
12/29/10, 5:29 am
United States
Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
I am the wife filing for divorce with husband. I have full custod...
12/20/10, 10:56 am
United States
Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
I need help preparing a VA Property Settlement agreement, Custody...
12/14/10, 2:25 pm
United States
Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
My first wife and I were divorced in 1992. At the time she was a...
12/08/10, 10:05 pm
United States
Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
In Va., is my home I owned before I married, deeded in my name al...
11/20/10, 11:50 am
United States
Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
Can you file a warrant in debt against an ex for not paying spous...
11/03/10, 10:43 am
United States
Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
can a husband file for his wife to get her maiden back during a d...
10/07/10, 1:03 pm
United States
Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
What does it mean to have joint custody with the father having li...
9/29/10, 8:44 am
United States
Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
In child a custody agreement what does reasonable visitation...
8/28/10, 3:02 pm
United States
Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
My previous question was not answered fully. My son has joint cu...
8/25/10, 12:37 pm
United States
Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
When a child turns 18 - how do you stop a garnishment that is don...
8/24/10, 12:25 am
United States
Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
In the Commonwealth of Virginia - when does child support end - w...
8/17/10, 1:29 pm
United States
Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
i was married for fourtysix years, my mother gave me a small hous...
8/16/10, 1:07 pm
United States
Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
Hi. I am English, and live in the UK. My girlfriend is Engli...
8/16/10, 1:14 pm
United States
Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
My divorce will be final in a month. I'm 16 weeks pregnant with m...
8/01/10, 12:30 pm
United States
Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption