Judgement awarded
A judgement was awarded to a creditor and my qu...
6/12/06, 12:51 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Collection from an apartment complex.
I moved from an apartment c...
6/08/06, 5:48 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Voluntary Reposession
I have not been able to make my car payment...
6/06/06, 4:28 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
I received a summons for a personal note that I am in de...
6/02/06, 6:07 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
rights of living owner of house
If two people who are not married...
5/30/06, 8:58 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Parents medical debt responsibilites for an adult child
I am plan...
5/26/06, 9:55 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Time Limit fo Collection of Alleged Commercial Debt
In 2005 I was...
5/25/06, 5:35 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Charge Off
If an account was written off by the original creditor...
5/18/06, 10:44 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Collection Call to a Person I know
My ex- boyfriends mother calle...
5/18/06, 5:39 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Cosigned a car, but she won't make payments now - can i repo?
I c...
5/18/06, 2:31 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
I am having a problem with Discover card. The onley way they ...
5/17/06, 4:33 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
co signing obligation
If a husband co-signs for daughter (who is ...
5/17/06, 3:38 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Responsibility of debt after divorce
I have been contacted by a c...
5/16/06, 6:43 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Garnishing Wages
If you have taken out a pay day loan and you ca...
5/16/06, 8:05 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Charge Offs
I am being contacted by a company called NCO Collecti...
5/11/06, 11:58 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law