Is there a list of crimes organized by class? Like an index of c...
4/28/11, 11:10 am
United States
Criminal Law
I have two non-violent felonies that are over 13 years old and I ...
3/23/11, 1:17 am
United States
Criminal Law
what can i do to get a long time past folony that prevents me fr...
3/28/11, 11:39 am
United States
Criminal Law
In Washington State can a Felon from California live in the same ...
3/07/11, 8:35 am
United States
Criminal Law
can you get a felony conviction exponged from your record ...
2/22/11, 8:14 pm
United States
Criminal Law
Do you only help people in eastern washington?? Need Restoration ...
2/12/11, 8:27 am
United States
Criminal Law
On my criminal record, there appears an association with someone ...
1/18/11, 10:52 pm
United States
Criminal Law
I would like to start the paperwork to have my class c felony vac...
1/08/11, 4:04 pm
United States
Criminal Law
My friend plead guilty (though he wasn't) to unlawful use of a ve...
1/07/11, 3:32 pm
United States
Criminal Law
I was convicted of 3 felony's and 1 misdemeanor 13 years ago. I d...
1/04/11, 9:26 pm
United States
Criminal Law
I got arrested for prostitution, and the guy who was allegedly my...
8/08/10, 8:35 pm
United States
Criminal Law
If I am filling out a background check that asks if I have any fe...
8/03/10, 10:13 am
United States
Criminal Law
If I was arrested for 4th degree assault domestic violence in was...
7/15/10, 3:08 pm
United States
Criminal Law
I am 18 years old live in nanny dating a 21 year old. I am not su...
6/23/10, 2:17 pm
United States
Criminal Law
Good Afternoon, May I please obtain confirmation on wh...
6/22/10, 2:13 pm
United States
Criminal Law