started my company with partner then he fired me and kicked me an...
11/10/12, 7:14 pm
United States
Business Law
I'm buying a business and will have to lease the RE. We want to ...
7/26/12, 9:57 am
United States
Business Law
A friend and I have been working on some potentially lucrative so...
7/24/12, 1:41 pm
United States
Business Law
how to estimate the amount of money company will win or lose if c...
5/28/12, 10:12 am
United States
Business Law
The CEO of a privately held company that I'm a shareholder and of...
4/22/12, 7:14 pm
United States
Business Law
I am selling a small business, which form should I use?...
2/09/12, 10:37 am
United States
Business Law
I was leasing property that I remodeled into a 3 star restaurant....
1/09/12, 12:33 pm
United States
Business Law
What steps are needed to void a contract that was signed during a...
11/28/11, 4:48 pm
United States
Business Law
I am 19% owner of a landscape supply company. My employment was r...
10/31/11, 10:21 am
United States
Business Law
My husband was partners in an lp company, the other partner chang...
10/15/11, 9:34 pm
United States
Business Law
I have a large convertible note that had an event of default. Th...
10/25/11, 3:46 pm
United States
Business Law
I have a LLC that was established in December. It only has 2 memb...
8/12/11, 11:39 am
United States
Business Law
I am an online magazine with paid subscribers. Is it legal for me...
8/02/11, 1:35 pm
United States
Business Law