I wish to open a family learning and child care center and i want...
2/08/10, 5:58 pm
United States
Business Law
I live in Colorado. I signed a contract for Karate Training for ...
2/05/10, 3:03 pm
United States
Business Law
I own a commercial cleaning business and I hired an independent c...
1/09/10, 11:58 am
United States
Business Law
I was working for a company in Dallas, Tx. I received an email fr...
12/30/09, 2:06 pm
United States
Business Law
I started a business with a partner and the only Legal document w...
12/10/09, 1:44 pm
United States
Business Law
Is there a legal distinction between the title/office "President ...
11/30/09, 1:50 pm
United States
Business Law
Is it legal for a contractor to charge multiple times for the sam...
11/13/09, 2:23 pm
United States
Business Law
How can I make it legal to have a parent company LLC with 2 or mo...
10/31/09, 8:29 pm
United States
Business Law
I have a small company and would like to loan my customers the $4...
11/04/09, 1:37 am
United States
Business Law
I own a small business, a customer ordered 14,000.00 worth of flo...
10/09/09, 6:27 pm
United States
Business Law
I have an LLC with a business partner. The other day he removed a...
9/26/09, 11:28 pm
United States
Business Law
Do you need to set up an L.L.C for a cash business only ...
9/21/09, 12:29 pm
United States
Business Law
I need to know the ins and outs of starting a private equity fund...
9/09/09, 11:18 am
United States
Business Law