collections-protecting family members
What rights do I have when ...
9/05/02, 1:26 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
small claims case
I was taken to small claims court late last yea...
8/30/02, 1:17 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
statute of limitations on credit card debt
What is the statute of...
8/20/02, 5:21 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Rights of Co-signers
My husband co-signed on a loan for our daugh...
8/17/02, 3:38 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Arbitration Award
Are binding Arbitration awards converted to jud...
8/18/02, 3:00 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
No Notification of Selling a Loan
I took out a home equity loan o...
8/16/02, 4:48 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Appealing a court fine
I forgot to pay a $57.00 medical bill two ...
6/09/02, 3:32 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
enforce court's judgment and how to collect
I won a small judgmen...
5/20/02, 3:55 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Building New Business Credit
How does a new business build credit...
5/16/02, 2:45 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
auto lease
I am currently in the 2nd of a 5 year auto lease. I c...
5/05/02, 6:36 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
How do I respond to a summons?
I was served with a summons a few ...
4/29/02, 6:06 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Can Collectors be calling me?
can a car finance company call me e...
3/20/02, 7:31 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Roommate owes me big!
Over the Christmas holiday, while I was vis...
3/13/02, 4:44 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Collecting on a Small Claims Judgement-attaching to lawsuit
I cur...
3/07/02, 1:39 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Trying to help family causing me debt over my head
I foolishly tr...
3/03/02, 5:37 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law