What is the law for smoking pot in a hotel room? Can management ...
4/23/13, 2:56 pm
United States
Criminal Law
I've been charged with possession of marijauna with intent to dis...
4/16/13, 6:17 am
United States
Criminal Law
Today in school, my daughter had a male student put the pointed e...
4/04/13, 5:52 pm
United States
Criminal Law
If some one is saying i commited a burglary with them can i be co...
4/04/13, 3:32 pm
United States
Criminal Law
if i get into a fight and accidentally pick up my opponents phone...
4/04/13, 9:55 am
United States
Criminal Law
I reside in Cobb county Georgia, and had a question reguarding , ...
3/29/13, 5:04 am
United States
Criminal Law
what are the requirements for proof that you were not given miran...
3/19/13, 7:53 am
United States
Criminal Law
my son was arrested last year for probation violation ,he shouldn...
3/16/13, 12:21 am
United States
Criminal Law
I need to know if i can be in any trouble. The other night a coup...
3/04/13, 11:23 am
United States
Criminal Law
Juvenile case. So some kid at my school gave me what he said was ...
3/01/13, 1:04 pm
United States
Criminal Law
My boyfriend is a convicted felon and 9 months into his probation...
2/22/13, 10:17 am
United States
Criminal Law
My mother passed away 6 months ago and there has been a lot of di...
2/06/13, 11:49 am
United States
Criminal Law
Can a Private Individual offer to purchase guns in a buy back pro...
2/04/13, 9:25 am
United States
Criminal Law
what type of sentence can i expect my boyfriend to have for a pro...
2/03/13, 11:10 am
United States
Criminal Law
I was bullied by a classmate in college and I went about solving ...
1/25/13, 10:09 pm
United States
Criminal Law