Real Estate
I recently purchased a home in Minnesota. The MLS li...
2/08/07, 3:16 pm
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
assessed for lake improvement
I am not living on the lake,however...
2/04/07, 2:57 pm
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
Consumer or Real estate law
I purchased a townhome in Aug.2005. V...
2/02/07, 9:58 am
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
Abstract of Title Search
I and 8 partners (all siblings) are sell...
2/01/07, 8:43 pm
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
city sewage proposal
Can a city anex an outlying housing developm...
1/27/07, 5:39 pm
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
Real estate
My in-laws own some lake property and have put the pr...
1/24/07, 9:52 am
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
Do I have rights?
My husband has a friend that he owns several pr...
12/23/06, 4:18 pm
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
Adding third party to Real Property joint tenancy
I am 61 years o...
12/01/06, 6:11 am
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
Squatters Rights
We purchased a home 5 years ago. Our land backs...
6/07/06, 5:56 pm
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
Do we have to sign a ''Compliance Agreement''?
We are closing on ...
5/24/06, 1:07 am
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
Opt Out
I recently put up an offer for a property. I put $5,000 d...
5/10/06, 3:42 pm
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
Pre-marital Property (house) No Will
I have owned my home for 30 ...
4/30/06, 1:58 pm
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
Length of time to transfer title after owner's death
How long can...
4/14/06, 11:07 pm
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
how to break a mortgage contract
I found out the house I was buyi...
4/11/06, 11:07 pm
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
Want out of contract for deed
My husband and I purchased a home o...
3/08/06, 8:32 am
United States
Real Estate and Real Property