Is it possible for a minor to buy and become the owner of a busin...
10/04/11, 3:04 pm
United States
Business Law
I was fired without any notices and reasons. What are ways to fil...
10/03/11, 11:21 pm
United States
Business Law
Is it legal or illegal for animals to be in a store that sells hu...
10/01/11, 4:35 pm
United States
Business Law
We ( my wife and I) executed a contract with a Vacation Club a ye...
9/26/11, 11:41 am
United States
Business Law
I live in california, can i solicit business that belongs to my p...
9/26/11, 4:54 am
United States
Business Law
I have a partnership agreement between three individuls that are ...
9/25/11, 8:40 pm
United States
Business Law
I am an independent sales rep living in California. Recently, on...
9/04/11, 7:22 pm
United States
Business Law
I purchased semi truck in 6/09. People I went into business with ...
8/29/11, 6:37 pm
United States
Business Law
I lost my case and now I have judgment $15K for Breach of Contrac...
8/24/11, 4:09 pm
United States
Business Law
I am an independent sales representative, who gets paid on shipme...
8/23/11, 4:20 pm
United States
Business Law
I own a liquor store that I listed for sale and stated it must be...
8/22/11, 10:05 pm
United States
Business Law
I have an employee who was injured at home. The injury was not w...
8/22/11, 4:58 pm
United States
Business Law
I am en employee of a corporation that is currently suing a very ...
8/19/11, 8:31 am
United States
Business Law
How To Form A Corporation in CAlifornia?How To Form A Corporation...
8/04/11, 3:43 am
United States
Business Law
In a California Superior Court action (Breach of contract Santa C...
7/27/11, 1:09 pm
United States
Business Law