Can an adult with Down's Syndrome sign a legal contract without a...
5/25/11, 11:57 am
United States
Business Law
Is money transferred to someone for an investment in real estate ...
5/23/11, 11:17 pm
United States
Business Law
We have a security system at our office that apparently the contr...
5/18/11, 12:01 pm
United States
Business Law
I would like to protect my ideas when presenting them to business...
5/18/11, 11:20 am
United States
Business Law
a friend of mine is dealing with a corporation that had a suspend...
5/17/11, 8:15 am
United States
Business Law
Can I be sued for breaching a contract without knowing when I was...
5/17/11, 1:39 am
United States
Business Law
I am the COO of a 4 person llc, and we are all related. The CEO i...
5/06/11, 9:30 am
United States
Business Law
What happens to a partnership agreement when one of the corporate...
5/04/11, 1:43 pm
United States
Business Law
Can I sell my 55% of a general partnership to someone without my ...
4/25/11, 10:52 pm
United States
Business Law
I would like to draft a contract to purchase a sole proprietorshi...
4/21/11, 3:05 pm
United States
Business Law
I have been working as a receptionist for nearly 4 years for a ph...
4/20/11, 1:59 pm
United States
Business Law
is it legal for a car dealership to take all of your personal inf...
4/06/11, 8:09 pm
United States
Business Law
I put a deposit on a caterer for my wedding and less than a month...
4/06/11, 5:48 pm
United States
Business Law
Is there a time limit for billing in the state of Ca. I am a cres...
3/31/11, 2:43 pm
United States
Business Law
As a pro se, I filed a complaint in the U.S. Court Southern Distr...
3/30/11, 8:11 am
United States
Business Law