My city recently passed a zone amendment to allow a specific type...
8/15/13, 10:38 pm
United States
Administrative Law
How should I go about making a person now in the philippines pay ...
8/13/13, 1:02 am
United States
Administrative Law
can i sue a pharmacy for losing my drivers license...
5/25/13, 12:30 pm
United States
Administrative Law
Can an adopted child successfully sue her adoptive parents for a ...
5/07/13, 10:23 pm
United States
Administrative Law
What happens to a minor if he or she doesn't go to court? Does th...
3/14/13, 2:42 am
United States
Administrative Law
If I work a 6 hour day in California, am I required to take an un...
2/27/13, 12:45 pm
United States
Administrative Law
I have an elderly family member who signed a contract to be put i...
2/04/13, 3:53 pm
United States
Administrative Law
can a police officer lie to you about the law? What to do if you ...
10/24/12, 10:06 am
United States
Administrative Law
I live in California where the minimum wage is 8 dollars an hour,...
10/22/12, 7:10 pm
United States
Administrative Law
I am the Secretary for a California gun club. We are a 501c3. Rec...
9/12/12, 11:35 am
United States
Administrative Law
I work in California and my boss has asked me to bring a doctors ...
4/30/12, 11:03 am
United States
Administrative Law
Should I report a seven year old conviction to a possible employe...
3/20/12, 1:35 pm
United States
Administrative Law
if there is over 40,000 in 401k can i withdrawl 30,000 from my 40...
2/08/12, 7:49 pm
United States
Administrative Law
Looking for an employment lawyer, I feel as though I'm being disc...
1/13/12, 12:01 am
United States
Administrative Law
I was charged for vandalism last night for breaking a window. Wh...
12/22/11, 3:05 pm
United States
Administrative Law