This question appears on many applications for employment and im ...
11/07/11, 2:06 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
if a police officer doesn't read you your rights does that make t...
10/29/11, 12:59 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
My sister got a DUI warning say a month ago, she got a DUI a week...
10/25/11, 4:58 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
What is the proper protocol in CA for an arrest for DUI? Had an a...
10/25/11, 1:01 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
i was charged sept 25 and they still haven givenme my BAC
10/25/11, 12:02 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
I received a non-traffic Open Container infraction (not a minor) ...
10/18/11, 10:21 am
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
Is it beneficial to have a lawyer represent you for a first time ...
10/12/11, 9:28 am
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
What is sufficient to establish suspicion for a DUI arrest ?
9/16/11, 3:07 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
I'm twenty years old. Last night me and my buddies got a citation...
9/16/11, 11:24 am
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
I have a restricted licence due to DUI which requires to have int...
9/07/11, 9:59 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
my brother inlaw is in jail right now but tomorrow has court my q...
8/23/11, 9:32 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
I got a drunk in public a while back, however, I don't feel I act...
8/22/11, 9:29 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
I have completed my requirements for a DUI case, but cannot get p...
8/20/11, 3:16 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
I want to expunge a DUI that i had in 2001. If i expunge, i know ...
8/09/11, 11:23 am
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
a cop recieved a personal call that someone almost hit them but d...
7/25/11, 9:39 am
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law