Recent Free Legal Questions answered by
Rachel Hunter

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I have a question concerning the 529 college savings account. My friend's parents are divorced and...
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Then your friend needs to see a lawyer, not you. I am not clear on the terms. There are many 529... more

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Is the information accurate? That is all that matters. Evidently this account was a collection and... more

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If you pay the original creditor does the collection agency have the legal right to report it as a...
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This has been asked and answered. If your debt went to collection with a collection agency and you... more

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I just found out that I can not renew my license in Georgia because my license was suspended in...
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Pay the judgment or get the judgment opened. And why is this a collection/debt issue? You need an... more

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If a husband passes away is his widow responsible for the debts he has incurred such as credit...
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The surviving wife is not directly liable for things like husband's credit card or other unsecured... more

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