Recent Free Legal Questions answered by
Joseph Villanueva

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What is the maxium sentence for a probation violation for a assualt in the 3rd degree e class...
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Assault in the 3rd is an A misdemeanor and not a felony. Check out my site at... more

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Can i represent myself on a misdemeanor case of menacing in the 2nd and 3rd degree.there are no...
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You can represent yourself but it's not recommended. Check out my site. You may find some useful... more

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The effectiveness of parole, and the importance of re-entry programs?
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What's your question? Check out my site. You may find some useful information. more

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If a person unknowingly purchases stolen goods from craigslist are they required to surrender the...
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You might be charged with criminal possession of stolen property. Check out my site. You may find... more

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Can I drop an order of protection that the judge ordered against my husband?
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No. It is the courts order of protection issued to protect you. Check out my site. You may find... more

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