Category Archives: What’s New

7 Tricks Insurance Companies Use to Weaken Claims

By | March 28, 2016

So you’ve been injured in an accident caused by another party and are expecting adequate compensation, enough to cover all of the resulting damages, including medical expenses, lost earnings, pain and suffering, etc. This is why insurance companies exist, to cover people like you in case of an incident, right?

“Don’t Be THAT Driver!”

By | March 28, 2016

Navigating your way through a roadway’s work zones can be challenging for even the most careful of drivers. In a work zone, speeds have slowed, the tempers of other drivers may be flaring, workers are moving about, heavy equipment is entering and exiting, and flaggers are signaling. It’s a lot to keep track of under the best of… Read More »

Should I Hire a Divorce or Custody Lawyer?

By | March 24, 2016

Should you represent yourself in a divorce? Some couples can successfully divorce without the help of an attorney, while others are not so lucky. Understanding the circumstances in which it is best to hire a divorce lawyer can make a big difference in your divorce.

California Motorcycle Accident FAQ

By | March 21, 2016

THE INSURANCE COMPANY OFFERED ME A SETTLEMENT. DO I STILL NEED TO HIRE A LAWYER? Don’t accept the insurance company’s initial settlement offer without consulting with an attorney first. If you do, you would certainly resolve your case in quick fashion but most likely end up with insufficient compensation for your medical bills and other damages. 

Is Lane-Splitting Safe?

By | March 15, 2016

We should always be conscious of the risks we take when operating cars and motorcycles. After all, we must always make an effort to equitably share the roads we travel, regardless of the vehicles we choose to get us to our destinations.

The Ins and Outs of Miranda Rights

By | March 14, 2016

As with many things in life, legal actions depend heavily on the details. Some of the most basic details in criminal cases revolve around how and when the police advise a suspect of his or her rights. Commonly referred to as Miranda rights, these warnings stem from the 1966 trial of a Mexican immigrant who confessed to charges… Read More »

Driving on the Sly: How to get yourself arrested, more fines, and further loss of driving privileges.

By | March 10, 2016

Thousands of drivers everyday drive on the sly. That is, they are driving without a license, valid insurance, warrants, etc. They drive with the fear of being pulled over by the police and are most likely to drive off after having a wreck. This life is nerve wracking because the loss of transportation can mean loss of job,… Read More »

The Motorcycle Is Not Always At Fault

By | March 1, 2016

When an accident involving a motorcycle happens, it’s often a knee-jerk reaction to blame the motorcyclist. We assume they had to be speeding, weaving, or otherwise operating unsafely. Many motorists simply assume that a motorcycle is inherently dangerous, and the rider simply has to be at fault. This is not true.

The Consequences of Oxygen Deprivation during Birth

By | March 1, 2016

Expecting a baby is an exciting time for moms, dads, and their loved ones. Many mothers-to-be make sacrifices to help ensure the health of their baby, by quitting smoking, not drinking alcohol, cutting back on caffeine, and giving up deli meat. Some even go the extra distance by exercising regularly, getting plenty of rest, and attending childbirth classes.… Read More »

Personal Injury Claims: What is Needed Following a Road Traffic Accident Claim

By | February 26, 2016

Sadly, thousands of people are injured each year on UK roads due to vehicle collisions and other road traffic accidents each year with many obtaining life-changing injuries.