Legal Question in Administrative Law in India
9.0 Representation by an Aggrieved Consumer to the Ombudsman:
9.1 A consumer must approach the GRO or one CGRO before he represents his case to the Ombudsman. If the licensee does not comply with the orders of GRO I CGRO within 100 (one hundred) working days from the date oflodging ofhis grievances, or if a consumer is not satisfied with the order from the GRO or the CGRO, as aforesaid, or if he does not receive any order from the GRO or the CGRO to whom he has approached at the first instance seeking redressal of his grievance(s), he may submit a written representation to the Ombudsman for the purpose of settlement of his grievances I complaints.
9.2 Representation to the Ombudsman by an aggrieved consumer is without any prejudice to the consumer's right to move any other authority or a court oflaw, or a consumers' forum for redressal of his grievances. However, ifhe has moved any such authority, or court oflaw, or a consumer's forum, he shall disclose the same with all necessary details to the Ombudsman when he files a representation to the latter.
Does the above mentioned regulation means that A consumer is unable to go to Consumer forum or not?please help
2 Answers from Attorneys
Dear Sir / Madam,
NO, the consumer is free to approach the Consumer Forum for redressal of his / her grievances.
I agree with Mr. Chavan You may drop in a detailed query at
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