Legal Question in Administrative Law in India
I got selected in a nationalized bank 5 months ago. I have to submit a police verification report in the bank for getting confirmation. I submitted all documents(asked by local o.c.) in my local police station 4 months ago. 1 month ago I got a phone call from district police head office that I need to submit NOCs(at current date) after collecting these from my 10th and 12th standard school. It was not mentioned previously by local police station. Again, yesterday I got anther call from local police station asking some papers related to registration of my house and voter card,ration card of my parents.
I want to know all these documents are really important for police verification or it is just a harrashment? If so, then can I file a RTI about the status of my police verification report? Is there any other way out? Please give me some suggestion.
1 Answer from Attorneys
The documents may be required for verification. However, please be bold and speak to police officer concerned to conclude the verification as early as possible. You may drop in a detailed query at
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