Legal Question in Banking Law in
If a cheque is bounced when the signature is not matched. What is the punishment for that in Indian law?
Asked on 8/23/10, 1:35 am
2 Answers from Attorneys
(Cell: +91 9811284735)
same as in the case where the cheque bounces due to insufficient funds or account closed.
Answered on 8/23/10, 1:52 am
J. Radhakrishnan
independent Practice
if the cheque bounced due to mismatch of the signature, only remedy is to ask the drawer to pay up the amount due on the cheque telling him that solely with a view to cheat the payee , he issued a cheque with a wrong signature. If the drawer does not respond helpfully, you can prosecute him for cheating and also file a suit for recovery of the amount due from him. It cannot be equated to a cheque bounced for insufficient funds.
Answered on 8/23/10, 7:56 am
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