Legal Question in Business Law in India
We hv submitted a bid. The bid consisted of two documents, namely technial bid n price bid. First technical bid is being opened. If U r successful in it, then only yr price bid will be opened among all other bidders. In our case the technical bid (asking for a sample for testing)was rejected so our price bid was not opened.
The information that our sample was rejected ( technical bid) was given to us after opening of price bid of all successful bidders,
On knowing of our failing in tech bid,we called Test Report under R T I Act,we found test Report was wrongly prepared, we informed Buyer of it.
If buyer agrees that they comm itted mistake in test report thus depriving us to enter into price bid opening, what remedy is open to us knowing that orders hv already been placed after opening price bids ?
The buyer is a Govt org,
1 Answer from Attorneys
Dear Sir / Madam,
The sample testing of all technical bidders for pre-qualification of suppliers ought to have been conducted at one and the same time, before the price bids were opened. You should get an independent Test analysis of your sample done, and you should persuade the Government Department to empanel you as their qualified supplier.
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