Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in India

My Information for your analysis wrt my illegal & enforced Retirement Date ignoring the position of Law on the Original Date of Birth Evidence submitted against an extant policy of date of birth-once entered cannot be altered followed by a public sector bank which since not allows audit & inspection & request to reverse semi-legal dates such as submitted from the X-std-pass-book for date of birth without cross-verification with the Registrar of Births Certificate in respect of the permanent staff of a nationalized Bank causing either the Exchequer heavy losses of Income or the permanent employees loss of eligible service for career & growth in cases of differential dates detection through prospective audit & inspection & vigilance skills .

Can one say the extant policy on date of birth --once entered can not be altered followed by a Government of India Enterprise-- Bank , is an Unconscionable Conduct & an affront to the integrity of the judicial system that a Law Court with an appeal before it against the Bank will proscribe it ? ?

Also , lots of evidence of oral appeal to Senior Officer ( which I can even now affidavitize ) and written & acknowledged appeals to the Bank which are within the period of Law of Limitation legally binding the Bank which is a legal entity to alter the date of birth , as prima facie CASE support & evidence are available .

I have with me copies of subsequent appeals including the one favourably recommended by a Chief Manager in the Bank acknowledged by the Regional Office .

I have compiled one full office-file load of record material & judgements of the Apex Court collected by me in the context for a contemplated Judicial Commission Proceedings even on the legal right of a permanent employee to ask for un-belatedly alteration of date of birth taken from a secondary source such as school / college / university with the one taken from primary source of the Register of Birth .

My Retirement was enforced : No reference to Law Ministry & HRD MINISTRY . .

The Law of Limitation to alter my date of birth : Overlooked.

The Registration Act of Births allowed admissible evidence in Law : Bypassed .

My Appeal to alter date not belated : Supreme Court observations (enclosed)

My First Appeal in 1988 to alter the entry of my date of birth to 17-4-1955, was as per the Law of Limitation for entertainment of such request from the permanent staff with irrefutable evidence of Birth Certificate pressed in service.

I have submitted the Certificate of the Registrar of Births under the Registration Act allowed and followed vide provisions contained in the Indian Banks Association & BSRB Instructions as early as 1988 which being the sole �Verification-Certification & Audit-Inspection Instrument� against my School figure ( 4-2-1953) in my X-Class Pass-Book . I quote � The Births , Deaths and Marriages Registration Act , 1886, is a Central Law which is referable to Union List . Section 9 of the Act merely lays down that copies of the entries of the Registers relating to Births maintained under the Act shall be admissible in evidence for the purpose of proving the Births� ---unquote .

My Appeals beginning in 1988 with passage to 2013 attracted Legal Provisions/Statutes/Acts & un-belated claim while in Service despite which I was forcibly retired on the unconscionable footing -- �once entered cannot be altered� resulting into an enforced Retirement at the age of 57-Complete-Years against the norm of 60-Complete-Years for Service in the Dena Bank , especially myself direct-recruitee Statistical Officer into the Government of India Enterprise and amounted to abridging my right to continue in Public Sector Dena Bank Services negating the Constitution of India�s assured rights on Employment of Citizens .

Therefore , to annul the illegal & enforced Retirement Order to resume duty .

Please give me your advice on how to bring a COURT ORDER against the nationalized Bank .

sd/- Dr.Rojukurthi Sudhakar Rao ,


Asked on 2/20/14, 12:57 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Fca Prashant Chavan Expert Edge LLP


Dear Rojukurthi,

Please be specific and to the point and repost your query.


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Answered on 2/21/14, 3:15 am

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