Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in India

From : Shivaji

Dear Sir, Plz give me some advice.

My father inherited his ancestral property on which he constructed shops, and later sub-diveded it by giving all 3 sons 1 shop to each. which was recorded in property records while he was alive and all sons were bachelors while recieveing their share, keeping a part for his own which he wrote a will on my name for that part and passed away later.

one of my elder brother got married and his wife left him and stayed in her mothers house laterly we learnt that she has a son since 12 years she has not come back.

we all were staying together, we are looking after all his needs, he says he dont want to give his share of property to his wife as she have been an embarissing part of his life. he wants to register a will in my favour, can he make it. will there be any problems. plz guide me

Asked on 2/17/14, 11:07 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Fca Prashant Chavan Expert Edge LLP


Dear Shivaji,

There are no problems in a Will wherein you are named as the sole beneficiary. But every Will has to be backed by a Probate from the court for transfer of the title to the property in your name.


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Answered on 2/18/14, 2:44 am

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