Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in India


The will was written by my father whole heartedly to his son(my brother) by leaving nothing for us (Three daughters). Either the daughters got the rights to put case against the will for equal share by mentioning that the will was written by our father under pressure of his son. Because after he wrote the will he was not in good mindset and he was very depressed. Due to the overstress he was suffered from severe stroke and died. Can we able to put case for the property? He wrote the will by the end of december 2013 and he was expired on 02.02.2014. My mother is alive only. With the help of her can we able to raise any share? Please give me a detailed answer.

Asked on 2/14/14, 9:09 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Fca Prashant Chavan Expert Edge LLP


Dear Madam,

Your brother will have to obtain a Probate from the Court on the Will to transfer the title of the property in his name. You will receive a notice from the Court before the Probate is issued.


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Answered on 2/15/14, 3:43 am

i need to know more facts before I CAN COMMENT. PL CONTACT 9312411481.

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Answered on 2/15/14, 3:51 am

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