Legal Question in Criminal Law in India

I was in love with a girl but 2 months ago her family played a conspiracy with us and they separated us, i am a student and i can not go against the family of any side, although i am 22 years old and she is 22 years old but still i don't want to take any step to marriage but she is very crazy for me and any how want to marry me.for her marriage is everything but for me first thing is my career and then marriage. her parents now snatched her mobile and computers and don't allow her to go outside the home. now the matter is that she was very depressed 2 months ago when i met her last time and i am having fear that if she take any extreme steps like SUCIDE then will i responsible for this. i have no contact with her for last 2 months. or if her parents file a case against me in the sense of SEXUAL HARRASMENT ' then can will it be a trouble for me. i have no any sexual relationship with her.

in three years i have met with her only two times. but as she is very much emotional and very sensitive for our love but her family and my family too dont want that we marry with each other. my main concern is that if within six month or one year if she take any extreme steps like committing sucide or file a false case against me like sexual harassment then will i be a guilty in this scenario, please clarify me because i am in too much tension due to this fear.

Asked on 2/16/14, 1:10 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

please remove yourself from the company of the girl for rightly so at this age you need to concentrate on your carer. No case will be filed unless you try to revive the relationship. Girls are strong I doubt she will take any extreme step. gud luck.

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Answered on 2/16/14, 5:27 am

If u did not intimate in sexual relationship with that girl then need not to worry at all. Just try to avoid his company if u do not want to purse this relation.


[email protected]

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Answered on 2/17/14, 4:19 am

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