Legal Question in Criminal Law in India

my wife filed 498a 406 on me and after that we went to high court for getting anticipatory bails ,the high court judge refers us to mediation centre where we reached the agreement.based on agreement we applied 482 crpc in high court ,at the time of hearing the girl told the judge first she need divorce as the boy is NRI so the judge mentioned in order AS per mediation agreement between parties arrived ,the fir is to be quashed after divorce by mutual consent till then pending and adjournd sine die

q1.what afer getting divorce she doesnt show up in quashing will my fir quashed in her absence

q2.time to get fir quashed after divorce as the petition is pending and adjourned sine die

Asked on 2/15/14, 2:55 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

onjce you file the second motion you can move an application for revival of the 482 petition too.

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Answered on 2/15/14, 3:01 am

1. It is upto court and your lawyer, Court may do so.

2. It may be quashed within few day or a month.


[email protected]

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Answered on 2/17/14, 4:04 am

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