Legal Question in Family Law in India
my daughter is living with me [parents ] along with her 02yr and 08 month daughter since sep.2013 , and was not working then , but is employed for the last three months now. the daughter is also admitted to school [ play group] from
jan . 2014.
there is no positive response from her husband and has not even come to see his daughter n wife.
my... Q. no 01... can my daughter file case under hindu marriage act and claim damages n maintenance towards self n daughter .
Q NO .. 03... can she file case from present parental residence jurisdiction court OR the court jurisdiction from residence of her husband.
kindly clarify and oblige
1 Answer from Attorneys
your daughter can claim maintenance for herself and her daughter. she can file the case from where she is presently residing. She can also file a petition under DV act and also seek divorce if the grounds are made out. for further clarifications call 9312411481.