Legal Question in Family Law in India
Dear Sir, i got married 15 years ago,having 2 kids,daughter 9 years and son 7 years,got separated from husband due to sexual harrasement 4 years ago at the time of seperation we signed papers with a notary public and further we wanted to file a case for divorce in mutual consent but suddenly he refused for it and i could not proceed further due to other mental are with the time of separation i started a botique shop and ladies parlour but it dint go well so i closed down within a year. for the past 3 years he is putting money in kids account for monthly expense ,but it is no where sufficient coz the kids where brought up with all comforts from birth so i would like to know wether i can approach legally to solve this issue and what does law say about kids rights in getting financial help from present i am not working.father is working for multinational pvt company as an engineer now earning 3 lks per month.i would also like to know if i wish to get remarried the step father has to take up the full responsiblity of financial need of the kid or the father of the kids has to continue with his responsiblity?
5 Answers from Attorneys
You may claim child support from your husband. Even after your remarriage, after divorce, the children's biological father will remain responsible to provide them support.
dear client if u get remarried then yr husband can claim custody of child. so u have take permanent custody of child from the court. yr husband is responsible for expense of children up to their 18 years of the age.for any legal help call me on 9422611385
b4 remarriage you must get divorce without it you cant avail any benefit of law. for more free info, u may call 09587744142 time 11.00 am to 1.00 pm.Thanks