Legal Question in Family Law in India
Dear Sir, my parents were done a marriage of sister at age of 12 years. after completion of that he had forcible sex with my sister at that age .after one year she got a baby in that age only.from that time on wards my sister was staying at my home around 5 years because she refused that marriage.because of my parents foresees and society issues,she again gone that stupid fallow house an unexplained situation sir again she got another baby at the age of 17.he is very curl and stupid fellow.all the time my sister was refused to participate sex with with him.he forcible attempted as like animal. from last 7 years on wards she was staying with my house and working "house cleaner(malik of house)" for grow up her child(because my family is very poor family and cast of SC sir).suddenly last two months back that stupid fellow and his family came and put case against of my family and my sister.they false allegations on my sister she was staying with an another MEN.Sir please tell me This MARRIAGE is legal or Not,if NOT can we put a case against him and his family can we get a diverse from him with out his acceptance?know we want diverse from that stupid fellow .now my sister age is 29 if she get diverse, can we proceed for her new life sir.
1 Answer from Attorneys
dear client yr sister can file complaint against her husband in women cell of police for physical torture. also she can ask divorce on the ground of cruelty and pre age marriage. for any legal help call me
Adv prasad patil
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