Legal Question in Family Law in Pakistan
Hey there
I'm from Pakistan, about 8 months ago I have submit case for my three children meantence charges and he didn't pay anything during this period we didn't have divorced yet now he marry with a new women without my premmsion please tell me what I should do now should I submit a case against him or what I should do I don't want to live with him anymore I want to live with my kids.
3 Answers from Attorneys
Sister where you submitted case, its not clear .
You need to consult personally via email or telephone with all fcats so the it will be easy to advise you.
Any how you may file suit for maintenance and all other expenses such as dower and expenses of children, if you desire to separation its upon you.
0333 5823132
you may file a complaint case against him .
Whats your case? You can take him to task if you contest it rightly..