Legal Question in Family Law in India


I and my husband have joint locker. Inwhich we have my istri dhan .

My mother inlaw has been asking my husband to give soem to her.

My mother had given us some silver and old ornanments which my MIL has kept with her and refusing to return.I dont know how to get all the gold given by parents in my control. she wants me to give my entire salary to my husband and also wants to pay his loan by selling my property.both my FIL and MIl are very greedy and clever people . I want to do something against them without harming my husband.

Asked on 10/11/13, 2:50 am

3 Answers from Attorneys

Santosh Goswami,Advocate sure shot legal

Dear client

Firstly, all the jewellery given to u before marriage, at marriage and after marriage is your stridhan over which you have absolute legal right and to get them if someone has kept it illegally you need to file a petition or to give a police complaint. In your case, the best way is to live separately with your husband if that is possible. Also, you are not bound under law to hand over your salary to anyone against your will.


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Answered on 10/11/13, 4:42 am

dear client u can file dowry harassment complaint with police against ony fil and mil without harming yr husband. u can also domestic violence case against mil recover yr ornaments. for any legal help call me on 9422611385


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Answered on 10/11/13, 5:08 am

It is only your husband who can do something if you will try to against your parents in law then it might strain your relationship with your husband. take all the steps with caution.

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Answered on 10/14/13, 4:40 am

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