Legal Question in Family Law in India

Since my marriage against my parents wish they are behaving very rudely with both my wife and myself. So much so that even when I was taking care of them to the best of my abilities they were publicly making false complaints against us including police complaints.

They are ignorant about my love for them because they feel that they have raised me and its my duty to serve them. After a year long harassment that included several police diaries against us I have decided to leave my parents and go stay elsewhere.

My question is that will my parents be able to file a maintenance case against me even when I am staying elsewhere and considering that they receive enough pension so as to support food and clothing and residence?



Asked on 11/14/14, 8:25 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Santosh Goswami,Advocate sure shot legal

Dear MD

If your parents have enough to sustain themselves, the question of maintenance does not arise. Don't worry. You are safe.


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Answered on 11/14/14, 8:06 pm

if they have no source of income and they unable to maintain themselves then they can claim

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Answered on 11/15/14, 8:16 am

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