Legal Question in Family Law in India
I have been married for two and a half years and my marriage was not consummated for the period. My husband has always tried to confuse me for the reasons citing mental set up, stress etc thereby avoiding reality. I am still not sure whether he can be termed as impotent. Alongwith he had been pressuriisng me beating and abusing me under father's pressure to contribute about 40 lacs through my parents/my own salary sources so that they may build a house in gurgaon. can u help me to know how to prove impotency .. as i think i should not continue the relation since the physical and mental torture has now crossed all limits. also as i know truth and god are in my stride, i want to teach these hypocrats a good lesson that society at large may learn that what such inhumane behaviour may result in..
3 Answers from Attorneys
dear client file dowry harassment complaint with police under section 498-a so these culprits will get punished for their wrong done. society will surely take lesson from this so no girl in future will get tortured by in laws for dowry. as well as also file domestic violence case against them. for any legal help call me on 9422611385. i will assit u in yr fight against these types anti social elements.
Dear Client,
In case you file petition for divorce on grounds of impotency, your husband may be subjected to medical tests by an independent medical practitioner with a direction to submit the report to the court. However, in your case, there are a number of other grounds too u/s 13 of HMA for filing divorce: cruelty and mental harassment etc. As already pointed out by learned colleagues, you may consider filing a complaint in the dowry cell u/s 498A and protection under DV Act.
Mukesh Ralhan, Adv.
If you want to teach, then you have many ways. u may go for D.V., 498a, and you may go divorce or Nullity of marriage.If u want any help or have any question you may call on 09587744142